








If You Don't Have a Game Plan For Teaching Writing,
How Can You Expect Your Students to Become Better Writers?

Transform Your Students Into Rockstar Writers Using a PROVEN Approach That Actually Works!


You already know teaching writing is tough.

And with all the planning and prepping and grading and searching online for writing lessons taking up your time, it’s virtually impossible to implement a consistent and effective writing curriculum that gets your students mastering the writing standards.

And if you’re like most of the middle school ELA teachers before they start working with us, then you probably feel frustrated and fed-up with the choppy and disorganized writing your students produce ... you likely even feel as though you’re drowning in piles of mediocre essays to grade each Sunday afternoon (already dreading the next essay you’re going to assign).

And, we get it. We’ve all been there.

The truth is ... you might have your students write consistently throughout the year, but do you ever teach them HOW to write?

We totally get it. You have a lot to teach during your ELA period and you never thought you’d be THAT teacher that only practiced writing that appeared on state testing. You thought your students would be the ones who loved writing and who impressed you with their clever evidence from the text and thoughtful analysis ... and it’s frustrating that they don’t.

The thing is ... if you don’t EXPLICITLY teach your students how to write using a framework that actually works, then they will continue to struggle and produce below-average writing.

The cold hard truth is this:

If you don’t nail down HOW to teach writing, your students will continue to struggle with their essays (and even short paragraphs!), and you’ll continue to piece together random writing lessons that leave you doubting your abilities as an ELA teacher.

Show us JUST ONE successful middle school ELA teacher who gets her students to be rockstar writers without making writing the foundation of her curriculum.

You can’t.


That’s because they know what you may not have realized until right now:

When you make a PROVEN writing approach a part of EVERY. SINGLE. UNIT that you teach, your students will transform into rockstar writers!

If you’ve already felt like your students’ writing could be stronger and your writing lessons could be more powerful, that means you already have what it takes to step into the role of a rockstar writing teacher.

In this program, we’re going to show you EXACTLY how to do that.

Introducing ...

The EB Writing Program isn't a typical "Professional Development Training" like the ones you're required to attend

(... you know, the ones where you tune out in the back of the room as you grade essays).

...it's a four-unit TRANSFORMATION PROCESS that will change your middle school students...

...from struggling, mediocre writers into confident writing rockstars.


"My students love it and have improved so much in their writing. In all honesty, I used the EBW format for my graduate papers this past semester. I did the first one in the EBW format because I wanted to show my students another type of writing in that format. My professor was blown away by the organization of my papers and how well-written they were! EBW does work. It goes beyond middle school, beyond high school, and even works in graduate studies!

- Tiffany Dumatrait, 7th & 8th Grade ELA

After learning our PROVEN EB Writing Approach, you will walk away knowing ...

Exactly HOW and when to teach the different types of writing to set your students up for lifelong success.

How to plan out your writing scope and sequence, so you aren’t wasting time piecing together writing activities for your students that don’t align.

How to use our “done for you” frameworks, graphic organizers, and rubrics to help scaffold your students into confident, critical writers.

That you are FINALLY on a path to getting results for your students ... your colleagues will be asking you what your secret is for producing the best writers in the school (even your district!).

See Why So Many Other Teachers Are Raving About The EB Writing Approach!

A Proven Approach.
Real Student Results.

Discover how teachers (just like you!) are creating thriving writing programs and helping their students master the writing standards! People like ...

"This past Friday, the Assistant Superintendents, Cabinet and the entire school board visited my room. It was overwhelming in number, but I was so proud of my kids. The visitors were seriously blown away by the written work samples posted on the walls, the EBW reminders and notes for students and more importantly what my kiddos could articulate! My students felt so empowered! Thank you Caitlin Mitchell and Jessica Cannata! I seriously wanted to cry. My kids felt confident and good about themselves. I high-fived every student and expressed my pride! Great teacher moment! Thank you again! "

- Kala Aguado, 6th Grade ELA and Social Studies

"I was a little nervous about providing them yet another writing strategy/approach, but they LOVED it! I was completely blown away by how my students have responded to this approach, even my most reluctant writers are following along step-by-step and completing each practice activity! This approach will truly change how I teach and the quality of what my students write!"

- Darcie Young, 6th-8th Grade ELA

"This program has been a life and career-changing experience for me. Teaching is my passion, and I have some very big and specific goals to serve a specific group of students. I have ADHD, and I think your program is PERFECT for me to incorporate into an active, yet structured program for my kids that share my thinking process. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I'm so excited to learn more! Y'all are changing lives!"

- Jodi Pruitt, 5th Grade ELA 

"I realized that I did NOT have the anxiety, the pit in my stomach, the difficulty to breathe or speak feeling I usually get when someone comes into my room to observe. I wholeheartedly believe in EBW. I knew exactly what I was teaching and had confidence in what I was doing. I was so thoroughly trained, that I could have done this in my sleep and nothing was going to get me off track. I SO got this!!!"

- Leslie Snyder, 6th Grade ELA


Leaving the boring, ineffective hamburger model behind

Jennifer, a high school English teacher, is finding fresh ideas and support through the incredible EB Writing Program and teacher community.


Leaving the boring, ineffective hamburger model behind

Jennifer, a high school English teacher, is finding fresh ideas and support through the incredible EB Writing Program and teacher community.

An ah-ha moment for fitting writing into her curriculum

Erica, a middle school English teacher, finally has a roadmap for fitting all of the writing pieces together.


Here's what's waiting for you inside the program right after you join:


Master the Writing Standards


A successful middle school ELA curriculum is rooted in writing about literature. In this unit, we’ll help you lay the foundation for writing success in the classroom by introducing the EBW Approach©, and you will see your students develop a confident writing mindset as they transform into rockstar writers.

Inside Unit 1, You’ll Discover:
  • How to confidently introduce our proven literary analysis writing framework (the EBW Approach©) to students.
  • What the EBW Approach© looks like in your classroom, so it works with the literature YOU want to teach.
  • The best time of year to teach the EBW Approach© (yes, this matters!).
  • The magic behind “TAG” and its power to produce immediate results with your students’ writing.
  • The single most effective way to get students to analyze their evidence from the text.
  • How to get students to nail the essay conclusion (no more, “Thank you for reading my paper”).
  • The ONLY way you will ever do peer editing again.
  • The game-changing speaking activity you can do with your students to elevate their writing.


Nail the State Writing Prompts (without teaching to the test)

Expository Writing

Now that you’ve witnessed how the EBW Approach© can transform your students into exceptional writers who critically analyze literature, it’s time to apply the framework to expository writing. Here you’ll uncover activities and lessons to help students practice applying their newfound skills to different styles of writing.

Inside Unit 2, You’ll Discover:
  • The must-teach writing lessons for Compare and Contrast, Problem-Solution, Cause and Effect, and Descriptive Writing.
  • Step-by-step processes that break down each component of expository essays for students.
  • Scaffolded graphic organizers to support students throughout the entire writing experience.
  • Powerful activities that actually get your students excited about writing (investigation trails, games, and more!).
  • What one teacher calls “her favorite resource of all time” and what a group of middle school students voted as “their favorite writing activity of the year.”
  • Essay topics and writing prompts to keep your students writing all year long!


Conquer the Craft of Persuasion

Persuasive and Argumentative Writing

In this unit, students will learn to transform their strong opinions into killer persuasive and argumentative pieces. Here, they will learn a framework that will help them refine their writing technique so they can get results when it comes to causes that matter to them. This unit will guide students to effectively use logic, reasoning, and researched facts to craft an argument that will get noticed.

Inside Unit 3, You’ll Discover:
  • A simple speed-dating strategy and engaging "who-dunnit" mystery activity that will hook your students and get them excited about writing.
  • Powerful strategies to help your students harness emotion and logic to create the ultimate persuasive piece.
  • The effective acronym for getting students to master the counterclaim.
  • Scaffolded steps that break down every component of a persuasive and argumentative essay, so they feel "doable" for your students.
  • The rubric that will cut your grading time in half.


Master the Art of Storytelling

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing should be a fun and creative writing opportunity for students, not a diary of every fantastical or rambling idea that ever crossed their mind. Luckily, this unit will provide you with the structure that your students want and need to craft an interesting and meaningful narrative.

Inside Unit 4, You’ll Discover:
  • The exact scope and sequence to use with your narrative writing unit to get the best results.
  • A simple way to use mentor texts in your writing lessons (or gather books from our suggested mentor book list).
  • Engaging mini lessons that will transform students’ writing (leads, transitions, word choice, and more!).
  • Tips to set up fun and memorable publishing parties to celebrate students’ success.

— PLUS, You'll Get These Must-Have BONUSES! —


EB Teacher Only Private Facebook Group

The best part of The EB Writing Program? Hanging out with other middle school ELA teachers in our private Facebook group.

Downloaded a resource and need tips on modifying it for students below grade level? Looking for a novel that will keep your kids interested—and challenged? Having trouble with getting a file to load in Canvas?

This is your one-stop shop for all of the questions only another teacher can answer.

Group coaching and Q&A from the founders

We’re also going to be popping by for group coaching sessions every now and again—jot your questions down in your Notes app (or a 3x5 card—whatever’s handy) and then send them our way.

VALUE $299


35 Writing-Focused Resources

From our One-Pager Choice Boards Bundle to 8 Spiral Review Writing Activities to use throughout the year, you're going to have everything you need to successfully implement and review the strategies and skills covered in The EB Writing Program with ease.

Just to name a few: 
- How to Write a Research Paper Unit
- Academic Vocabulary for Test Prep Resource
- Narrative Writing Spiral Review Activity Bundle
- Practice Activities for Starting Text-Dependent Essays

VALUE $199


Extra Support to Make Your Life Easier!

These bonuses help you refine the EBW Approach©. From a step-by-step lesson on how to utilize your rubric and save time grading to using the EBW Approach© with informational texts, these bonuses ensure you're fully supported with a robust writing program.

- Digital Versions of ALL Activities and Handouts

- Making the Most of Your Rubric
- Cross-Curricular EBW
- EBW and Informational Texts
- EBW and Compare and
Contrast Responses
- EBW and Multiple Texts
- Teacher Writing Samples

VALUE $299


Student-Facing Videos for EVERY Writing Unit

These student-facing videos cover ALL aspects of the EB Writing Program for your students. Simply send them to your students and ensure that your writing program is highly effective. Or use them as extra support, so your students can go back and re-watch a concept they might struggle with.

VALUE $599


When you join The EB Writing Program, you get instant access to the 4 Writing Units - videos, activities, and lessons that transform your middle school students from struggling, mediocre writers into confident, writing rockstars.

(Value: $2,997)

  • Plus you get access to our EB Teacher only private Facebook group to answer your questions and keep you motivated and on track! (Value: $299)
  • And, 35 print-and-go writing-focused resources! (Value: $199)
  • Not to mention extra support lessons to help you dig deeper into the EBW Approach©! (Value: $299)
  • Plus you’re getting Student-Facing Videos of all of the lessons (Value: $599)

That Makes Everything You're Getting Worth Well Over $4,000

($4,226 to be exact)

So, now it’s time for you to make a choice …


  • Differentiate with ease with access to 4 grade levels (5th-8th) by choosing which materials work best for your students whether they are struggling or advanced!
  • The EBW Approach© Unit
  • The Expository Unit
  • The Persuasive and Argumentative Unit
  • The Narrative Unit

*Includes printable and digital versions of all materials.






  • Differentiate with ease with access to 4 grade levels (5th-8th) by choosing which materials work best for your students whether they are struggling or advanced!
  • The EBW Approach© Unit
  • The Expository Unit
  • The Persuasive and Argumentative Unit
  • The Narrative Unit

*Includes printable and digital versions of all materials.

$297 USD

(a $32 savings)


Schools and districts are required to purchase a transferable license. Please contact us for further information [email protected] or complete THIS FORM. 

 The EB Guarantee

We've done everything in our power to make this the simplest, most effective online professional development program for writing available. 

We KNOW it works because it's the exact same process that's behind the successes in our own classrooms and those of thousands of teachers around the world that we coach. 

However, if you're on the fence, then we want to give you every chance possible to "buy it and build it" with absolute confidence. 

That's why we're giving you a FULL 90 DAYS to go through the program, follow the simple step-by-step framework, and realize for yourself just how amazing it feels to build a successful writing program. 

View full refund policy >>

"I finished the EB Writing Program with my ninth graders earlier in the week. Yesterday I gave them a short story they had never read, two choices of writing prompts, and copies of the graphic organizers for the whole process. I have never seen my students write as independently and with such thought as they did yesterday and today. And the cherry on top? THEY KNOCKED JUSTIFICATION OUT OF THE PARK! I almost cried when I read what my kids were connecting and analyzing! I see posts like this all the time, but now that I’ve experienced it myself, I had to praise EB Academics as well. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my tired, frustrated, thankful, and proud teacher heart, Caitlin Mitchell and Jessica!"

- Lauren McCracken (8th & 9th Grade English Teacher)

The first choice is to do nothing. And, like you already know, if you change nothing, then nothing changes …

BUT, if you already know that you want to transform your students into rockstar writers and implement a proven and effective writing curriculum, then your choice is obvious: join us inside The EB Writing Program, and start your transformation to becoming the rockstar writing teacher you were meant to be.

Simply click the button below, and our team will be ready to greet you on the inside!

But choose quickly! The registration period won’t be open for long.

Membership in The EB Writing Program is only for a few days each year!

After that, it will be quite some time before you have the chance to join again.

You’ll miss out on the chance to transform your teaching, your students’ writing, and honestly, your life.

You CAN do it. With the right mindset, the right tools, and the right support, you can transform your life and the lives of your students (no matter what school looks like this year!).

And Team EB will be here to help.

So, don’t waste another year dreaming about what could be as you continue to grade below-average essays.

Join us now and step into your role as the rockstar writing teacher at your school.


"With all of the COVID changes, I've felt nothing but anxiety since March. However, I've been in this group for less than five days and I've already felt more empowered and motivated to start this year on a high note. The EB resources are amazing, the educators in this group are generous with their ideas and resources. Thank you ALL for recharging my batteries and building my motivation to get ready for another year with my 7th graders!!! "

- Kaely Littleton, 7th Grade ELA

Sarah Cook
7th & 8th Grade English 

"As I opened the writing program and watched Caitlin's welcome video, I teared up because the past two years have been so difficult, and this past year nearly had me running away from my job (totally serious). However, now knowing I have EB in my corner, along with the private FB group, I feel in my bones that this year will be a 100% improvement. My kids, my husband, and I thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Hillary E.
6th and 8th Advanced English Teacher

"I am so impressed by how complete, thought-out, and well-executed the EB Writing Program is. I've been disappointed by online courses and Teachers Pay Teachers resources in the past and, truthfully, I was kind of expecting to be underwhelmed. However, you did it! You've changed my mind and restored my faith in our community! This course rocks, and it truly has made me a better teacher!"

Rebecca Clinite
6th-8th Grade Reading & English Teacher

"The writing program changed my entire teaching life. So easy to implement, it makes sense, and even the kids said that they liked how it was broken down during their end-of-the-year reflections! When kids say they ENJOY how writing was approached, you KNOW it's a good program! I've had kids come to me saying they wish I was their teacher for how I teach writing!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question you need answered before enrolling in The EB Writing Program?

Below is a list of the most common questions we’ve been asked. If you don’t see your question, please send us an email at [email protected], so we can help!

Need help getting your principal or administrator on board?

How exciting! We currently partner with hundreds of school districts across the country and would love to work with your school, too!

Be sure to share the link below with your admin to learn more about our school licensing options!



For questions or help, please contact Team EB at [email protected].